Upcoming Releases

Upcoming Releases

Highlights from last Week

1 - Social media

empirical water continues to be active on social media. Make sure you follow us on Instagram @empiricalwater, because as of this moment, I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to making content, so it's going to be super entertaining. Goofiness shall ensue.

P.S. The algorithm hates us right now, so please help out the project with some likes and post saves.

2 - High TDS brew water

The high TDS water mix is getting closer! Requesting name ideas, as "High TDS Madness" is currently the only one I can think of.

3 - Version 1.5

Version 1.5 of empirical water is still on the verge of release. It will feature an adjusted buffer for better clarity and acidity, and the new labels which are set to arrive and ship out starting April 18th.

4 - Referral system

The new referral system is still active. Most coffee and tea enthusiasts have no idea empirical water is available to them, so if you decide to use this feature, it helps the project out a lot!

Till next time!


Arby Avanesian

CLICK HERE to try empirical water.

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